Have your say!

Ngāti Kuta has spoken!

96.44% of Ngāti Kuta voted ĀE / AGREE

Since March, we’ve been very busy meeting whānau across Aotearoa and worldwide to share our Mandate Information and to help you register and cast your vote. 

It has been an incredible time, meeting whānau and connecting you with information during this important step in our Land Claim journey. We are overwhelmed that so many of you engaged in our process and voted. Rawe!

We have produced a report that articulates the robust process that we delivered between the 9th March and 12th May 2024. Download it here: Ngati Kuta Mandate Information Hui Report.

We have one more hurdle to finalise a mandate! The Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations is yet to decide if he will recognise a Mandate for Te Whakaaetanga Trust to enter negotiations. He must also consider the results of Ngāti Manu, Patukeha and Ngāti Torehina ki Matakaa. We will be working with his office, Te Arawhiti, over the coming months to prepare documents for the Minister and we hope to have a decision from the Minister late 2024 or early 2025. We hope to receive a positive outcome!

Stay tuned over the coming months as we’ll be sharing more important information with you via email and our Ngāti Kuta Facebook group

As always, if you have any patai, make sure you reach out to our team.

Thank you for stepping up and making your voice count! Stay in touch and join our regular hapū hui.

Tu Tangata Ngāti Kuta!

Ngāti Kuta Hapū

Our Journey So Far…

Ngati Kuta has been working together for many years to reach this point of our Claims journey. We are still only in Stage 1 of our Waitangi Claim – see the diagram below. Stage 2 is when we start negotiating with the Crown.

Need more information? Keep reading below…

As Ngāti Kuta and our fellow hapū embark on the journey of resolving our Waitangi Claims, it’s time to progress towards negotiating with the Crown.

Who is Te Whakaaetanga Trust?

To be able to enter negotiations with the Crown, hapu must organise themselves into a “Large Natural Grouping” (LNG). Ngati Kuta and our partner hapu done this by formalising their alliance as Te Whakaaetanga Trust (“TWT”) on January 14, 2023. The hapū are Ngati Kuta, Patukeha, Ngati Manu and Ngati Torehina ki Matakaa. TWT takes its direction from the collective voice of each hapū through its nominated representatives. If we approve, TWA will represent Ngā Hapū in our Treaty settlement negotiations with the Crown.

TWT upholds the tikanga of hapu rangatiratanga and therefore takes its direction from the collective voice of each hapū through its nominated representatives. It is the vehicle required by the Crown in this historical process. The Minister has formally acknowledged that Te Whakaaetanga Trust hapu have met this requirement.

You can download the following files about TWT:

What is Our Next Step?

Now that we have achieved a LNG, the next step is to host a series of hapu information hui to seek a mandate from Ngati Kuta whanau to negotiate with the Crown. Each of our fellow hapu must also do the same.

What is a Mandate?

A mandate is permission, an authorisation given by a claimant group to their representatives, allowing them to negotiate with the Crown to settle historical Treaty claims.

Basically, TWT must get approval from each hapū for any initial deal with the government before finalising the settlement. If we vote yes, then TWT will be responsible for resolving our hapū’s historical Te Tiriti complaints on our behalf.  Each hapū will get to select their own negotiator after TWT is approved.

The Mandate Process

Each hapū has its own way, based on its tikanga, to decide on confirming the mandate of Te Whakaaetanga. Your vote is important in this process.

Resolution to be Voted On

A detailed resolution that you will be voting on is presented here. The language is formal and legally relevant. Even though this doesn’t make sense to most people, below this legal version, we have also got a simplified version.

“The acceding hapū of Te Whakaaetanga Trust established by Deed dated 14 January 2023 (collectively referred to as “Ngā Hapū Te Whakaaetanga”) mandate Te Whakaaetanga Trust to represent them in negotiations with the Crown in respect of the comprehensive settlement of all of Ngā Hapū Te Whakaaetanga historical Te Tiriti o Waitangi claims and further, mandate Te Whakaaetanga Trust to present an initialled deed of settlement to Ngā Hapū Te Whakaaetanga for ratification prior to a Deed of Settlement being signed.” 

Simplifying the Resolution

“On January 14, 2023, a group of hapū, called Ngā Hapū Te Whakaaetanga, agreed to form the Te Whakaaetanga Trust. They have given this Trust the job of talking to the Crown for them. The Trust’s task is to sort out and settle all the old claims these hapū have in relation to breaches of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Most importantly, the Trust needs to get approval (a mandate) from these hapū before the Crown will negotiate.”

What’s the Voting Process?

TWA has to get approval from each hapū to enter the negotiation phase of our Waitangi Claims journey. So what’s Ngati Kuta’s voting process to decide if we approve?

To vote, you can attend a Ngati Kuta Mandate Information Hui

Mandate Hui Dates

Ngati Kuta has organised six Mandate Information Hui for our hapū to attend to find out more information about the mandate itself, TWT and the journey forward.

Before you vote, you should ensure you have a good understanding of what you’re voting for by attending a hui.

The hui dates for Ngati Kuta are below:

Mandate Information

The following information will be shared and presented at these hui:

Ngati Kuta Mandate Hui – Location & Dates

Sat 9 Mar 2024Te Rāwhiti Marae1:00pm
Sat 30 Mar 2024Kensington Stadium, Whangarei10:00am
Sat 6 Apr 2024Zoom10:00am
Sat 13 Apr 2024Te Mahurehure Marae, Auckland10:00am
Sat 27 Apr 2024Zoom3:00pm
Sat 11 May 2024Te Rāwhiti Marae10:00am

Voting Process

Independent voting agency

We have commissioned electionz.com to manage our voting process, an experienced agency with over 22 years of experience with iwi mandate and settlement ratifications. This will ensure a fair voting process, supported by the NK Data Team.

electionz.com will deliver voting electronically. All voting data will be collected and managed by them. They will attend all of our hui to explain how voting works and take registrations for voting so it is important to attend at least one Ngati Kuta hapu hui.

Voting Period

Online voting for the Mandate Resolution will open on Friday 8 March 2024 and will remain open until 11:59pm, Sunday 12 May 2024. Detailed instructions will be provided via the email address provided at registration. Any votes before or after these dates will not be accepted.

Eligibility to Vote

Voting is open to registered members over 18 years old who whakapapa to Ngati Kuta. If you register directly with electionz.com to vote, your vote will be confirmed once whakapapa is verified.

Registering to Vote

You need to register – either with Ngati Kuta directly or with electionz.com – to be able to vote on the proposed resolution.

Whakapapa – If you do not know your tūpuna from Ngati Kuta, please put at least a grandparent that you know who descends from Ngati Kuta. This will allow us to verify that you are of Ngati Kuta descent.

For further information about voting call the election helpline – 0800 666 042 or contact Ngati Kuta through our contact form.

Ngā mihi nui, e te whānau.

Have more questions?

Ka mua, ka muri