
About Us
We are a proud hapū of Ngāpuhi based in the beautiful Te Rawhiti in Te Taitokerau. Find out more about our history, our successes and our aspirations below.
We are all over the world and we need to keep in touch to keep our historical feet on our whenua, whanau piece of earth – for now and for our future generations. We may not have been born in Te Rawhiti and may not have had much contact but this website is an opportunity for us all to learn, to share and to contribute to our hapū.

We are all the kaitiaki (guardians), weaving the strands of our hapū together to make the fabric strong for the future.
The food to do this comes from the winds carrying the essences of life from the land and sea.
We keep contact and work together and thus weave the strands and breathe the mauri (essence of life) of the hau kāinga (essence of home).
Ngati Kuta Hapū Management Plan
Tena koutou katoa,
Ngati Kuta shares kaitiakitanga of Te Rawhiti. We are the kaitiaki of Rakaumangamanga. We are the ahi kaa roa of Ngapuhi. We hold mana whenua and mana moana for this district of Ipipiri (Bay of Islands). This is what underpins our actions in developing this plan, and of placing our claim with the Waitangi Tribunal to redress the past.
This Plan is a product of many discussions from many hui. It identifies the vision of Ngati Kuta today. It is one of which we are proud. The driving force behind this document is the commitment, passion, and dedication of our whanau from Te Rawhiti.
While Ngati Kuta proposes this plan, the benefits are not exclusive to Ngati Kuta.
We acknowledge that Te Rawhiti has great significance to iwi, to the community, to the nation and to government agencies. Our goal is to develop beneficial relationships with all stakeholders so that we participate in the management of our rohe. In this way we honour our bond with the past and the future, to care for the mauri, the life force, of ‘nga taonga tuku iho’, the treasures handed down. These treasures are the people, all people, and the environment. As we see it, developing ways to keep this mauri of people and the environment healthy is the main purpose of this Management Plan.
This Plan is a living document, always changing. We encourage your comments and views to keep it alive. We look forward to all of us working together for the benefit of past, present and future generations.
No reira,
Tena koutou katoa.
Matutaera Clendon
Mere Te Aroha Rewha Willoughby
Marara Te Tai Hook
Ben Te Haara
Te Atawhai Hepi Hall
Robert Willoughby
Russell Hook