NK Hapu Nomination Process for Marae Trust

Tena koutou katoa
Nga mihi ki a koutou i enei wa hurihuri. Nga manaakitanga o te runga rawa ki a koutou me to whanau.
At a recent Trustees hui we discussed the need for keeping our whanau safe during the Covid 19 pandemic but we also understand the need to continue to work on our goals for the Hapu and keep Hapu members informed.
As some of you are aware there is the Marae TGM on the 26th March 2022 at the Marae starting at 10.00am.
As many of you will be on zoom for the hui, we are asking whanau to consider who will be our 4 representatives on the Marae Trust.
There has been some discussion that our Ngati Kuta reps need to live in or close to Rawhiti to ensure availability and continuity in these Covid times.
Qualities of a Representative:
- You are tika, pono and show aroha in all your dealings with Hapu and Marae matters.
- You will need to be able to negotiate, to have good communication skills,
- You need to be knowledgable in our tikanga/kawa
- You need to be available for Trustees hui
- You need to abide by the Marae Trust deed.
We acknowledge our current Trustees, Russell Hook, Natasha Clarke-Nathan, Peter Johnson and Jacqueline Rewha-Clendon and thank them for their mahi, commitment, energy and time for our marae and our Hapu.
Nomination Process:
- We will post on our website a form so that whanau can nominate and second nominees.
- Please make sure you have spoken to your nominees and that they have agreed to be nominated.
- Whanau can nominate on the day in our hui but their maybe limited capacity (25 maximum at Marae) so to ensure everyone has a say and is informed please talk with your whanau.
- Put forward your nominations before the 26th March 2022.
- Only Ngati Kuta Hapu members who are registered or Shareholders will be eligible to nominate and second nominations.
We envisage that we will use the same process for the upcoming Ngati Kuta Hapu AGM and the Hauai Ahuwhenua Trust AGM.
23rd April 2022 Ngati Kuta ki Te Rawhiti Charitable Trust AGM
24th April 2022 Hauai Ahuwhenua Trust AGM
Naku noa
Glenys Papuni
(on behalf of Ngati Kuta Charitable Trust)
Ngati Kuta ki Te Rawhiti Charitable Trust
Panui – 14.03.2022